Thursday 20 March 2014


Within a film an audience is unable to change an outcome of the story. However in Wreck it Ralph they have an audience within the film to represent how the audience can interact and change the the game. Films are a modern media ext, games are post-modern as the audience is able to change the outcome. 

No - The audience within the game is not in control of the game. Unable to interact as if she is in control. The control stick in this part os moving un controllably as fix it felix moves even though the audience isn't controlling it.

Yes - in this part of Wreck it Ralph the audience within the film is able to control the game within this point, deciding weather or not the game is out of order or not working. Able to put it out of use or "Pull the Plug".

No - The audience within the game is unable to control what goes on within the game, however they can change some aspects. The audience within the film is shown to be unable to control what happens to a game when the characters inside each game go wrong. They are unable to be part of the game, only to have an effect on the outcome. This is modernist because the gamers are unable to interact with the games.

The game makers or audience here are able to control the game overall, unplugging games that go "turbo". 

Here is clear that elements in the game are designed for the audience to be able to choose what kart they use in the game. The game characters here are doing it themselves, reflecting lack of control from audince. he game controls the most of statistics. 

Thursday 13 March 2014

Historical Approach 1: Collapsing of Structure/Boundary

Representation: Gender   Collapsing the boundaries between gender as the women is more capable than the male character, mocking him, she has more intelligence.

Narrative: Hero & Villain, Princess      
Wreck it ralph is seen as the 'games villian' although boundaries are collapsed as the film is about wreck it ralph wanting a medal and to be recognised about all his hard work, he just wants to be accepted. Fixit felix is the classic hero who everyone loves but in this film he becomes the 'Princess' in need of saving.

The young villain (Vanellope) gains sympathy or friendship with audience, therefore audience cares about villain, collapsing the boundaries of heros and villains.

The Cy-bugs are the villain who everyone fears whilst King Candy also plays a villainous part, only revealing his true intentions later on in the film. Villains are the main characters in this film and almost play a heroic role.

Representation: Human or Game Character

The Human sort of character is labeled as a glitch, de humanising her. Even though she is in the form of a human she is labeled as a technological name. Therefore she is clearly the game charcater. but also collapsing the structure of reality and hyper reality.

Genre: Video Games

At the start of the film a narrator explains the video game and the characters role within it, how it wouldn't actually work in real life with a magic hammer etc. simply collapsing the meaning of a video game. How it is hyper real. 

Audience: Interactive or part of text?

The audience of the game within the film is interacting and playing wreck it ralph, although that in itself collapses boundaries as they are simulated. It is an ironic structure, we are the true audience.

Representation: Simulated world and reality

Simulacra is used her as the difference between reality and the video games is clearly identified however the so called reality is also a simulation of people, therefore nothing in the image is reality however it is simulated to perceive this idea. 

Thursday 27 February 2014



Post-modern idea - sense of reality is dominated by popular media images - culture can no longer 'hold up the mirror to reality'.
An example is 'Endless Love' - perfect love story

Parody & Pastiche

Intertextuality - uses other ideas as a tribute. Uses the understanding of previous media in peoples mind to create humour and comedy.

Parody - Mocks

Pastiche - Celebrates


The process of adaptation or improvisation where one style is given a different idea when compared and collide with stylistic features from another combination.
A mash up of different ideas that explode when being put together, they don't match but they are interesting.

MUSE - knights of Cydonia

Texas movie


The mixing of different kinds of genre (hip hop) Post-modern texts raid the image bank.
A merging of different genres

EG. Rihanna mixing pop with rap





Thursday 19 December 2013

X - Factor and cultural values

hypodermic needle - people forced to watch it, it is everywhere, every type of media
relatable - identity
escapism - boredom
No challenge to watch - want to escape from their life, no woking outs
Binary opposition - Good guy bad guy (lewy walsh and simon cowell) Simple
Anchorman - pointless
Vines - youtube - rubbish you watch anyway
only educated people Shakespeare, theatre etc.
Marxism - class system 
Elitist (only certain people can have it)
set of ideas - opinion  - through education
it is a system we are lead to believe is right and true
post modern audience
watch it because it is rubbish
irony - audience know it is crap but they still watch it. 
music videos are a form that go against the ideas of theorists. post modern era
e.g genre is breaking apart
debates - teaching other people - creating a poster about ith
parabel visualisation

genre is the same

jason mittel - genre is a cultural category