Thursday, 19 December 2013

X - Factor and cultural values

hypodermic needle - people forced to watch it, it is everywhere, every type of media
relatable - identity
escapism - boredom
No challenge to watch - want to escape from their life, no woking outs
Binary opposition - Good guy bad guy (lewy walsh and simon cowell) Simple
Anchorman - pointless
Vines - youtube - rubbish you watch anyway
only educated people Shakespeare, theatre etc.
Marxism - class system 
Elitist (only certain people can have it)
set of ideas - opinion  - through education
it is a system we are lead to believe is right and true
post modern audience
watch it because it is rubbish
irony - audience know it is crap but they still watch it. 
music videos are a form that go against the ideas of theorists. post modern era
e.g genre is breaking apart
debates - teaching other people - creating a poster about ith
parabel visualisation

genre is the same

jason mittel - genre is a cultural category

Monday, 2 December 2013

Task for Theory Learning

4 essay plans - one for each area
which four theories will i be using - names
decision to which production thriller or music vid that will be better to write about
Find parts of vid that will support the theory - how you can see it or not se it in my work
does it reinforce or challenge the theory

go back to home theory (representative ness) - then talk with someone else to get other peoples theories

Judith Butler - gender performance
—Butler argues that gender is a performance.
—It is what you do at particular times, rather than about who you are.
Apply this to your work….
Do the male characters behave typically masculine?
Do the female characters behave typically feminine?

In the thriller video we shot, our actors were solely men. This is supporting Butlers theory that gender is a performance. That men are seen to be well suited to the dominating gender. Our actors both behave typically masculine.

This is the same for out music video, men typically masculine, looking at women voyeristically.

Laura Mulvey - the male gaze
One theory in media studies is the idea of the ‘male gaze’. This explores the idea that the camera ‘sees’ images through male eyes.
“The message though was always the same: buy the product, get the girl; or buy the product to get to be like the girl so you can get your man” in other words, “‘Buy’ the image, ‘get’ the woman”

You can be what a man wants, or the man can get what he see's, if you buy into this product

In our music video we have chosen to use the male gaze. We want our main female character to be looked at voyersotically, therefore reinforcing Mulveys theory that the camera sees through the male eyes. However we also have a notion of looking coming from the female as well

Gauntlett described the Social construction of identity: how can you work out who you are through what you see in a media text? Your identity is not fixed: you will be shaped by what you watch.
--Identity as project – audience chooses the tools
-Conflicting media messages about identity
So.. When we watch a text we compare ourselves to the stereotypes presented within it.
Look at the use of stereotypes in your music video. How far could you say your music video encourages audiences to reconfirm or challenge who they are when watching your video?

Our music video supports Gauntletts theory that people see them selves through what you watch. for example we have young people, therefore the audience watching will be of the same age range because they will want to compare themselves to the people in the video. 

Sunday, 1 December 2013


Final prop list

Props for final shoot
  • flags for one side of the cabin, and to cover the windows and photos in the location
  • balloons for decoration on the floor
  • red table cloth to cover tables
  • disco lights and strobe light
  • speakers
  • funky glasses
  • red party cups
  • drink (bottles)
  • Confetti
  • glow in the dark wrist bands