Thursday 19 December 2013

X - Factor and cultural values

hypodermic needle - people forced to watch it, it is everywhere, every type of media
relatable - identity
escapism - boredom
No challenge to watch - want to escape from their life, no woking outs
Binary opposition - Good guy bad guy (lewy walsh and simon cowell) Simple
Anchorman - pointless
Vines - youtube - rubbish you watch anyway
only educated people Shakespeare, theatre etc.
Marxism - class system 
Elitist (only certain people can have it)
set of ideas - opinion  - through education
it is a system we are lead to believe is right and true
post modern audience
watch it because it is rubbish
irony - audience know it is crap but they still watch it. 
music videos are a form that go against the ideas of theorists. post modern era
e.g genre is breaking apart
debates - teaching other people - creating a poster about ith
parabel visualisation

genre is the same

jason mittel - genre is a cultural category

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