Monday, 14 October 2013

Media Regulation

Media Regulation is the control or guidance of mass media by governments and other bodies. e.g music videos that request an agreement to be certify that the viewer is over 18. Targets include, T.V, Radio, Music, Music Videos, Movies, Programs, Etc.

Liable means printed but completely untrue

The Press Complaints Commission

The PCC was founded in 1953. The PCC is required to uphold ethical standards in journalism. The papers are just doing what they want. There needs to be a more powerful organisation to prevent this states Hunt "At the moment it is like the Wild West out there. We need to appoint a sheriff."If the press regulated themselves they could put what ever they wanted, this would lead to more made up stories. Causing disagreements and reputation loss to members of the public violated. The press regulating themselves will just allow for them to avoid lawsuits and paying out in upheld cases where they're are libel for damaged.

Case where complaints were complaints were Upheld against newspapers.

The complaint aforementioned is from a women that the news shopper had breeched clause 11. She believed that the news shopper had identified that she was a victim of sexual assault. This had been done by showing an image of the location it happened, of which was her home, identifying her.

Case where complaints were complaints were Not Upheld against newspapers.

This complaint says that Clause 3 and 4 have been breeched. Photographs had been published of a women violating her privacy. However because she served a sentence in a public place the newspaper considered that the complaint did not have any right to special protection.

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