Sunday 27 October 2013

Planning for Mock Video - Update

So this week Alex and I have been planning out what day we are going to shoot our mock video and who is going to act in it. So far we have Anita, Amy, Cody, Claire, Josh, Holly and Reece able to help us out.
We have organised to use Wednesday next week to get as much filmed at possible. We are going to use black bags to black out the room as our actors can only do it in day time, and then the night time shots we will do later with the two main characters. This way not everyone will need to stay. We are going to provide drinks and snacks to keep our actors happy!
We have got the camera, including two lenses and a GoPro, and the props are also ready. Alex and I will be using our 90 shot storyboard to help us film sections of the music video.

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